Working with Tables
The basic functionalities of tables in PetroVR follow the convention of most spreadsheets (such as MS Excel) as regards selecting, copying and pasting cells or ranges of cells.
You can select a single cell by clicking it, or a group of cells by clicking a cell and dragging. To select a whole row click on its header; to select the whole table, click on the top left corner. Microsoft-style selection using shift-select (to select adjacent rows) and ctrl-select (to select non-adjacent rows) is available. When you select more than one cell in any table (except user-defined tables) and at least one of them has a numerical value, the sum of all the selected values is displayed under the table (only the numerical value, disregarding all unit information).
Apart from commands already described in Variables such as Copy, and other more complex options, the following special commands also appear in the right-click menu when editing tables:
Copy range: copy multiple cells into the clipboard when more than one is selected.
Copy row: copy the selected row; to select a row, left-click on a row header.
- Copy table: copy the whole table into the clipboard.
- The
Paste command in tables works thus: if at the moment of pasting a single cell is selected, the whole content of the clipboard is pasted to that cell and to those adjacent to it as far as there is room left; if a range of cells is selected, Paste will replace only the selected cells, disregarding all other clipboard content outside that range.
Every time more than one cell is copied, it is copied as a range of cells and not as a row or table as such; this means that copying e.g. a table from one place and pasting it somewhere else will not replace the one for the other, and will not modify the table size. For instance, if the second table had less rows or columns than the first one, the Paste command will not create additional rows or columns to fit the clipboard content, but will simply disregard what does not fit in the new table. Therefore, when copying and pasting rows or tables it is important to make sure the formats and size are the same in either place.
Note also that copying a range, a row or the whole table copies only the numeric values, not the unit in which these values are expressed.
The Fill Handle
The fill handle is a specially Excel-like functionality included in PetroVR tables. It allows you to quickly fill data series with values from a selected range.
The fill handle is a small black square in the bottom right corner of the selection. When you move the mouse pointer to the fill handle, the pointer changes to the "precision select" type, indicating that you can click-and-drag it to start filling in other cells. Follow these steps:
- Select the cells that contain the data you want to replicate in adjacent cells.
- Drag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill.
Excel Links
A reservoir Well Rate Table, User-Defined Tables and well Decline Tables can be defined as MS Excel links by clicking the Link to Excel button. This opens the Excel Input Editor, where you can select a named range in an Excel worksheet that will make up the content of the linked table.
As is the case with other variables defined as Excel inputs, this link is dynamic, so that any change in the related Excel cells will automatically be reflected in the PetroVR table. When defined as Excel links, tables are no longer editable. See further under Communication with MS Excel.